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The Roman - Byzantine Fortress of Qasr Bashir in Jordan. |
The Limes Arabicus
A chain of forts protecting Roman lands from Arab raids
The Limes Arabicus was a desert frontier of the Roman Empire, in the province of Arabia Petraea. It ran -at its biggest extension- for about 1,500 km, from Northern Syria to Southern Palestine and northern Arabia, forming part of the wider Roman limes system. It had several forts and watchtowers.
The reason of this defensive "Limes" was to protect the Roman "Province of Arabia" from attacks of the barbarian tribes of the Arabian desert.
Next to the limes arabicus Trajan built a major road, the Via Nova Traiana, from Bostra to Aila on the Red Sea, a distance of 267 miles. Built between 111 and 114 AD, its primary purpose may have been to provide efficient transportation for troop movements and government officials. It was completed under Hadrian.
During the Severan dynasty (AD 193-235), the Romans strengthened their defenses on the Arabian frontier. They constructed several forts at the northwest end of the Wadi Sirhan, and they repaired and improved roads.
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Qasr Bashir Reproduced from: Campbell DB, Roman Auxiliary forts 27 BC - AD 378. Fortress Series 83. Osprey Military Publishing, 2009. P. 58. (xlegio.ru/fortification/limes-arabicus) |
In Jordan there was no natural boundary other than desert all the way down to the Red Sea. Major communication routes here tended to run between oases and along the seasonal wadis. Linking Syria to the Arabia, the cities of the Decapolis, Petra and the ultimately the Gulf of Aqaba was the route known in the Bible as the King's Highway, parts of which came to be incorporated in the via nova Traiana, across which the Roman military presence was distributed.
Indeed the frontier here has long been recognised as more a zone than a delineated line and where the environment played an important part in the settlement pattern. In the province of Arabia there was the less tangible but increasingly important rise of tribal confederations of nomads with whom Rome had to treat and who in time became partners in the defence of the later empire.
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Emperor Leo I Ruler of the Eastern Empire from 457 to 474. The Roman forts in Jordan were still being funded and staffed with troops during his reign. |
With the annexation of Nabataean Arabia The Romans transferred the Legio III Cyrenaica from Egypt to the new province with auxiliaries. In 106 the unit was maybe based in Bostra, with the likelihood that smaller vexillations with other auxiliary units were distributed among the various cities and towns of Nabataea.
At the same time some new forts were erected together with the construction of a well-known pre-Roman road, the via nova Traiana, which linked Aqaba on the Arabian Gulf to the province of Syria in the north. Various units were stationed along and behind the desert line east of this main transfer road. In the early 3rd century significant construction work was done, probably in the Severan period. Pushing out in to the desert regions in north-east Arabia to control the oases with the erection of new forts and new road building.
The emperor Diocletian's army reform around 300 also affected the form and distribution of Roman military installations. About this time the Roman army constructed three new but smaller legionary sites in Betthorus-Lejjun, Adrou-Udruh and Aila-Aqaba and smaller sized other forts. Most of those garrisons were still maintained in many of the locations into the 4th century and only successively reduced to be compensated with greater use of control exerted through diplomacy and subsidy with the leaders of the local nomadic population.
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Qasr Bashir |
Qasr Bashir is an extremely well preserved Roman fortress that lies in the Jordanian desert. Unlike many Roman remains, Qasr Bashir is exceptionally well preserved, having never been re-built by later civilizations.
Qasr Bshir belongs to the chain of forts and watchtowers that is known as the Limes Arabicus and was meant to protect the province of Arabia against roaming desert nomads. They were not extremely dangerous or exceptionally violent, but their dromedaries made them swift, and if trouble arose, they could pillage large parts of the Roman countryside. The Limes Arabicus had to counter this threat, and Mobene was one of the fortifications.
Built at the beginning of the fourth Century AD and known as Mobene, the walls of Qasr Bashir still stand intact, at a height of up to 20 feet in places, while the main entrance remains to this day. The huge corner towers still rise up two stories from the ground.
It is likely that Qasr Bashir was originally home to an auxiliary cavalry unit, charged with defending the Roman frontier and keeping the peace in the surrounding area.
The courtyard, which has two cisterns, is on all sides surrounded by rooms, twenty-three in number, which have been identified as stables. There was a second story, where the soldiers must have slept. The roof of these barracks reached the same height as the rampart walk, creating a really wide fighting platform. One room, opposite the main gate, may have been the headquarters, some kind of sanctuary, or both.
Because each of the twenty-three stables was used by three horses, and because a cavalry unit of frontier soldiers appears to have numbered between 120 and 150 men.
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The Roman Limes defense system. |
The Roman Frontier in Jordan, Part I
The short film The Roman Frontier in Jordan is part of the multimedia DVD-project Frontiers of the Roman Empire. The aims of the film are to show fascinating pictures from the Roman frontier in the Middle East and to connect people from different countries through their common history and archaeology. The Roman fort of Qasr Bshir is one of the best preserved installation of the Roman army known today.
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Southern tower |
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Inscribed above the gate. The central gate, which faces the shallow valley to the southwest, is flanked by two towers that are about half as large as the corner towers. The building inscription of the fort, a rarity in this part of the limes, survives and mentions the emperors of the First Tetrarchy . Optimis maximisque principibus nostris Caio Aurelio Valerio Diocletiano Pio Felici Invicto Augusto et Marco Aurelio Valerio Maximiano Pio Felici Invicto Augusto et Flavio Valerio Constantio et Galerio Valerio Maximiano nobilissimis Caesaribus Castra Praetorii Mobeni fossamentis Aurelius Asclepiades praeses provinciae Arabiae perfici curavit . In honor of our best and greatest rulers, Gaius Aurelius Valerius Diocletian, our pious, lucky, and unconquered emperor, and Marcus Aurelius Valerius Maximian, our pious, lucky, and unconquered emperor, and to Flavius Valerius Constantius and Galerius Valerius Maximianus, our noblest caesars, has Aurelius Asclepiades, praeses of the province of Arabia, ordered to build Castra Praetorium Mobene from its foundations. |
This inscription allows us to date the construction of the fort to 293-305, when the Romans constructed more forts in this sector of the frontier.
The End of the Roman Frontier in Arabia
The Roman military presence in Arabia began to decline in the mid-400s when forces were diverted to other threatened frontiers. In the early 500s, Justinian turned over the defense of the southeastern frontier to the Ghassanids, a Christian Arab tribe. Around AD 530, the troops were withdrawn and the limes Arabicus ceased to exist.
The Roman military presence in Arabia began to decline in the mid-400s when forces were diverted to other threatened frontiers. In the early 500s, Justinian turned over the defense of the southeastern frontier to the Ghassanids, a Christian Arab tribe. Around AD 530, the troops were withdrawn and the limes Arabicus ceased to exist.
The forts of el-Lejjun, Khirbet el-Fityan, Rujm Beni Yasser,
Qasr Bshir, and Da'janiya were abandoned at this time. The numerous watchtowers
provide no evidence of occupation in the sixth or early seventh centuries. At
least by the early 600s, the fortified frontier system in Palestine and
Transjordan no longer existed. This withdrawal of defenses paved the way for the
eventual Muslim conquest of the region in the 600s.
Sources: (livius.org/q/qasr_bshir) (gla.ac.uk) (amanfrommoab-fort-bashir)
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The frontier zone south of Wadi al-Hasa was called the limes Palaestina,
which extended to the Red Sea at Aila ('Aqaba). In this region, ten
castella and a legionary camp have been identified. (vkrp.org) |
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Qasr Bashir |
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Cistern |
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Qasr Bashir |
The Roman Frontier in Jordan, Part II
Roman Forts on the Arabian Frontier